Abstract Submission Guidelines
Topic for Abstracts:
- Lung Cancer
- Breast Cancer
- Molecular Oncology
- Gynecological Cancers
- Pediatrics Oncology
- Head and Neck Cancers
- GI & GU Oncology
- Hematological Malignancies
- Miscellaneous
Abstract Structure:
- Presenting author is to be highlighted in bold and underlined.
- The title should be in bold letters.
- Use the Font type Times New Roman and Font Size 12.
- The maximum character limit, excluding the title, and name of the author(s) and their institution, is 250-300 words. Spaces are not counted.
- Inappropriately structured or incomplete abstracts will not be accepted.
- CONTENT: The submitted abstracts must contain the following:
- Objectives: State the main objective of the study
- Materials and methods: Briefly describe the design of the study and how it was conducted
- Results: Present the main results with appropriate statistics
- Conclusion: Limit the conclusions to those that are directly supported by the results.
Steps to follow for your abstract submission:
- The abstract must be submitted online. (https://www.ismpocon2024.com/)
- If the presenter is unable to submit an abstract online facing any technical issues. Then he/she can send their abstract to the official conference email id - (ismpocon2024@gmail.com)
- If the presenter wishes to withdraw the abstract, he/she can do so by request in writing to the conference secretariat. (ismpocon2024@gmail.com)
- Registration is mandatory for all delegates presenting their papers.
- The abstract author will be notified by email about its acceptance and other details.
- Accepted presenters must adhere to deadlines and guidelines, and they must promptly respond to communication.
Review & Selection:
- The five best Abstracts (as decided by the Scientific Committee) will then be invited for oral presentation. All selected candidates should, therefore, also be ready with a PowerPoint presentation of their paper. You will be allowed 7 minutes for presentation followed by 2 minutes for Q&A.
Abstract Submission Deadline:
- The abstract submission will open on 01st June 2024.
- The Last Date for Abstract Submission is 15th September 2024.